Hi there 👋
together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
changed title "
IntersectionControllers"description " Intersection controllers Articulating trucks Merge/diverge paths? More diverse traffic library (better trucks, vehicles) "changed description " Intersection controllers (would be super cool if these could work with 3D traffic signals) Articulating trucks Merge/diverge paths? More diverse traffic library (better trucks, vehicles) "
changed description " Intersection controllers (would be super cool if these could work with 3D traffic signals) Articulating trucks Merge/diverge paths? More diverse traffic library (better trucks, vehicles) ~~~~ "
changed title "Traffic System (30)"
changed title "Traffic System
(30)"changed description " Intersection controllers (would be super cool if these could work with 3D traffic signals) Paths can be linked with intersection controllers in the paths hierarchy Articulating trucks Merge/diverge paths? More diverse traffic library (better trucks, vehicles) (we could have Aaron and Alan help with this if we need to) "
changed description " Intersection controllers (would be super cool if these could work with 3D traffic signals) Paths can be linked with intersection controllers in the paths hierarchy Articulating trucks and rail Merge/diverge paths? More diverse traffic library (better trucks, vehicles) (we could have Aaron and Alan help with this if we need to) ~~~~ "
changed description " Intersection controllers (would be super cool if these could work with 3D traffic signals) Paths can be linked with intersection controllers in the paths hierarchy Articulating trucks and rail Merge/diverge paths? Vehicles per hour seems like it isn't a great setting (more of a symptom than a cause), but if we can add the ability of the user to see what the VPH is at a point in a path, that would be great More diverse traffic library (better trucks, vehicles) (we could have Aaron and Alan help with this if we need to) Will hopefully work with dynamic (customizable bus and rail) and imported assets (boats, planes?) "
changed description " Articulating trucks and rail Paths can be linked with intersection controllers in the paths hierarchy Intersection controllers (would be super cool if these could work with 3D traffic signals)
PathscanbelinkedwithintersectioncontrollersinthepathshierarchyArticulatingtrucksandrailMerge/diverge paths? Vehicles per hour seems like it isn't a great setting (more of a symptom than a cause), but if we can add the ability of the user to see what the VPH is at a point in a path, that would be great More diverse traffic library (better trucks, vehicles)(wecouldhaveAaronandAlanhelpwithSam can work on this ifweneedto)Willshown how This will hopefully work with dynamic (customizable bus and rail) and imported assets (boats, planes?) "changed description "Higher Priority Articulating trucks and rail Pedestrian animation transitions like peds stopping and cyclists putting a foot down when stopped Paths can be linked with intersection controllers in the paths hierarchy Intersection controllers (would be super cool if these could work with 3D traffic signals) Merge/diverge paths? More diverse traffic library (better trucks, vehicles) Sam can work on this if shown how Vehicles per hour seems like it isn't a great setting (more of a symptom than a cause), but if we can add the ability of the user to see what the VPH is at a point in a path, that would be great This will hopefully work with dynamic (customizable bus and rail) and imported assets (boats, planes?) Dynamic labels from BT would be a great option, especially if they could show vehicles per hour (VPH) at certain points of a path Pathway arrows that are dynamic (red for slow traffic, green for fast)
ArticulatingtrucksandrailPathscanbelinkedwithintersectioncontrollersinthepathshierarchyIntersectioncontrollers(wouldbesupercoolifthesecouldworkwith3Dtrafficsignals)Merge/divergepaths?Vehiclesperhourseemslikeitisn'tagreatsetting(moreofasymptomthanacause),butifwecanaddtheabilityoftheusertoseewhattheVPHisatapointinapath,thatwouldbegreatMorediversetrafficlibrary(bettertrucks,vehicles)SamcanworkonthisifshownhowThiswillhopefullyworkwithdynamic(customizablebusandrail)andimportedassets(boats,planes?)~~~~ "changed description "Higher Priority Articulating trucks and rail Pedestrian animation transitions like peds stopping and cyclists putting a foot down when stopped Paths can be linked with intersection controllers in the paths hierarchy Intersection controllers (would be super cool if these could work with 3D traffic signals) Merge/diverge paths? More diverse traffic library (better trucks, vehicles) Sam can work on this if shown how Lower Priority Vehicles per hour seems like it isn't a great setting (more of a symptom than a cause), but if we can add the ability of the user to see what the VPH is at a point in a path, that would be great This will hopefully work with dynamic (customizable bus and rail) and imported assets (boats, planes?) Dynamic labels from BT would be a great option, especially if they could show vehicles per hour (VPH) at certain points of a path Pathway arrows that are dynamic (red for slow traffic, green for fast) Crowd simulation with pedestrian paths would be AMAZING "
changed title "Intersection Controllers and Traffic
System(15)"changed description "Higher Priority Articulating trucks and rail Pedestrian animation transitions like peds stopping and cyclists putting a foot down when stopped Paths can be linked with intersection controllers in the paths hierarchy Intersection controllers (would be super cool if these could work with 3D traffic signals) Merge/diverge paths? More diverse traffic library (better trucks, vehicles) Sam can work on this if shown how Lower Priority Vehicles per hour seems like it isn't a great setting (more of a symptom than a cause), but if we can add the ability of the user to see what the VPH is at a point in a path, that would be great This will hopefully work with dynamic (customizable bus and rail) and imported assets (boats, planes?) Dynamic labels from BT would be a great option, especially if they could show vehicles per hour (VPH) at certain points of a path Pathway arrows that are dynamic (red for slow traffic, green for fast) Crowd simulation with pedestrian paths would be AMAZING ~~~~ "
changed title "Traffic Library Management and Intersection Controllers
andTrafficLibraryManagement"changed description "Higher Priority Articulating trucks and rail Pedestrian animation transitions like peds stopping and cyclists putting a foot down when stopped Paths can be linked with intersection controllers in the paths hierarchy Intersection controllers (would be super cool if these could work with 3D traffic signals) Merge/diverge paths? More diverse traffic library (better trucks, vehicles) Sam can work on this if shown how Lower Priority Vehicles per hour seems like it isn't a great setting (more of a symptom than a cause), but if we can add the ability of the user to see what the VPH is at a point in a path, that would be great This will hopefully work with dynamic (customizable bus and rail) and imported assets (boats, planes?) Dynamic labels from BT would be a great option, especially if they could show vehicles per hour (VPH) at certain points of a path Pathway arrows that are dynamic (red for slow traffic, green for fast) Crowd simulation with pedestrian paths would be AMAZING Flip vehicles/people for other countries Vehicle headlights on/off Sam Vehicle Library Customization Diversify traffic library with the following asset packs, detaching tires and mixing and matching tractor/trailers https://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/complete-vehicle-pack-ea-1244267 https://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/generic-car-pack-3d-model-1833441 https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/k100?sessionInvalidated=true It would also be great if we could make a system for users to import their own vehicles into our traffic system. I will also provide a list of vehicles to remove from the library. "
changed description "Higher Priority Articulating trucks and rail Pedestrian animation transitions like peds stopping and cyclists putting a foot down when stopped Paths can be linked with intersection controllers in the paths hierarchy Intersection controllers (would be super cool if these could work with 3D traffic signals) Merge/diverge paths? More diverse traffic library (better trucks, vehicles) Sam can work on this if shown how
LowerPriorityVehiclesperhourseemslikeitisn'taSam Vehicle Library Customization Diversify traffic library with the following asset packs, detaching tires and mixing and matching tractor/trailers https://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/complete-vehicle-pack-ea-1244267 https://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/generic-car-pack-3d-model-1833441 https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/k100?sessionInvalidated=true It would also be greatsetting(moreif we could make a system for users to import their own vehicles into our traffic system. I will also provide a list ofasymptomthanacause),butifwecanaddtheabilityoftheusertoseewhattheVPHisatapointinapath,thatwouldbegreatThiswillhopefullyworkwithdynamic(customizablebusandrail)andimportedassets(boats,planes?)Dynamiclabelsvehicles to remove fromBTwouldbeagreatoption,especiallyiftheycouldshowvehiclesperhour(VPH)atcertainpointsofapathPathwayarrowsthataredynamic(redforslowtraffic,greenforfast)CrowdsimulationwithpedestrianpathswouldbeAMAZINGFlipvehicles/peopleforothercountriesVehicleheadlightson/offSamVehicleLibraryCustomizationDiversifytrafficlibrarywiththefollowingassetpacks,detachingtiresandmixingandmatchingtractor/trailershttps://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/complete-vehicle-pack-ea-1244267https://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/generic-car-pack-3d-model-1833441https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/k100?sessionInvalidated=trueItwouldalsobegreatifwecouldmakeasystemforuserstoimporttheirownvehiclesintoourtrafficsystem.Iwillalsoprovidealistofvehiclestoremovefromthelibrary. "