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together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
changed description "~~~~ "
changed description "Build on current system but add spheres for preview and controls for scale, rotation, tint and so on. Also include options for importing textures like in Beyond CAD. May add more textures. There was a 'broken stripe' texture from BC that would be nice to turn solid striped lines into dashed lines"
changed title "Texturing System (15)"
changed title "Texturing System
(15)"changed title "Texturing and Sub-Mesh System (10) "
changed description "Build on current system but add spheres for preview and controls for scale, rotation, tint and so on. Also include options for importing textures like in Beyond CAD. May add more textures. There was a 'broken stripe' texture from BC that would be nice to turn solid striped lines into dashed lines Also need the ability to delete and edit sub-mesh components like in BC (in addition to texturing them)"
changed description "Build on current system but add spheres for preview and controls for scale, rotation, tint and so on. Also include options for importing textures like in Beyond CAD. May add more textures. There was a 'broken stripe' texture from BC that would be nice to turn solid striped lines into dashed lines Also need the ability to delete and edit sub-mesh components like in BC (in addition to texturing them) Also need to figure out why some fbx files (like the 3rd street model from Civil FX) come in all messed up like they did in later version of Beyond CAD, but not early versions"
changed title "
TexturingImport/Texturing and Sub-Mesh System (10) "description "Build on current system but add spheres for preview and controls for scale, rotation, tint and so on. Also include options for importing textures like in Beyond CAD. May add more textures. There was a 'broken stripe' texture from BC that would be nice to turn solid striped lines into dashed lines Also need the ability to delete and edit sub-mesh components like in BC (in addition to texturing them) Also need to figure out why some fbx files (like the 3rd street model from Civil FX) come in all messed up like they did in later version of Beyond CAD, but not early versions Would also be nice to have some import 'preset' options for InfraWorks and Sketchup (I would provide the values)"changed description "Build on current system but add spheres for preview and controls for scale, rotation, tint and so on. Also include options for importing textures like in Beyond CAD. May add more textures. • Also need the ability to delete and edit sub-mesh components like in BC (in addition to texturing them) • Also need to figure out why some fbx files (like the 3rd street model from Civil FX) come in all messed up like they did in later version of Beyond CAD, but not early versions • Would also be nice to have some import 'preset' options for InfraWorks and Sketchup (I would provide the values) • Currently there are options to create new paths and import surfaces from the Hieararchy panel. These should just be in the Import and Paths panels. • The hierarchy should have icons/controls for visibility on/off (eye icon), lock and delete • There
wasshould be options to hide model and shadow for all assets (library and imported) in the dialogue box like Beyond Typicals • We need an import asset button at the top of the Import panel. • When you import a'brokenstripe'texturefromBCthatwouldbenicetoturnsolidstripedlinesintodashedlinesAlsoneedtheabilitytodeleteandeditsub-meshcomponentslikeinBC(inadditiontotexturingthem)Alsoneedtofigureoutwhysomefbxfiles(likethe3rdstreetmodelfromCivilFX)comeinallmessedupliketheydidinlaterversionofBeyondCAD,butnotearlyversionsWouldalsobenicetohavesomeimport'preset'optionsforInfraWorksandSketchup(Iwouldprovidethevalues)"changed title "
Import/TexturingImport/Phasing/Texturing and Sub-Mesh System (10) "description "BuildUpdate Phasing System to Integrate with Hierarchy (like Beyond CAD) (Tags) For textures, build on current system but add spheres for preview and controls for scale, rotation, tint and so on. Also include options for importing textures like in Beyond CAD.MayaddI will add moretextures.textures to the data table later. We should add the categories system we have for Paths (Sections) • Also need the ability to delete and edit sub-mesh components like in BC (in addition to texturing them) • Also need to figure out why some fbx files (like the 3rd street model from Civil FX) come in all messed up like they did in later version of Beyond CAD, but not early versions • Would also be nice to have some import 'preset' options for InfraWorks and Sketchup (I would provide the values) • Currently there are options to create new paths and import surfaces from the Hieararchy panel. These should just be in the Import and Paths panels. • The hierarchy should have icons/controls for visibility on/off (eye icon), lock and delete • There should be options to hide model and shadow for all assets (library and imported) in the dialogue box like Beyond Typicals • We need an import asset button at the top of the Import panel. • When you import a surface the camera should try to zoom to extents • The hotkey 'F' should hopefully zoom to extents rather than the origin point "changed title "
Import/Phasing/TexturingImport/Texturing and Sub-Mesh System (10) "description "UpdatePhasingSystemHigher Priority Refreshing/reimporting surfaces that have been edited Thumbnails for textures (data table so Sam can organize) Currently turning off or deleting sub-mesh components doesn't remove the physics collisions for asset placement and 1st/3rd person. The ideal would be that turning off wouldn't remove the physics, but still be slightly visible when the path visualizers are on (but off everywhere else, including rendering and visual experiences). Deleting sub mesh components should remove the physics. Texture scaling and rotation Also need toIntegratefigure out why some fbx files (like the 3rd street model from Civil FX) come in all messed up like they did in later version of Beyond CAD, but not early versions There should be options to hide model and shadow for all assets (library and imported) in the dialogue box like Beyond Typicals Lower Priority Transform gizmo for submesh components Submesh glow feature (it should be created as an asset that can be phased, organized and so on Live edits for Sketchup using datasmith Imported mesh auto-generated icons don't really show much Adjusting the color of textures is very slow Import FBX withHierarchy(likeBeyondCAD)(Tags)Fortextures,buildoncurrentsystembutaddspheresforpreviewandcontrolsforscale,rotation,tintandsoon.AlsoincludeoptionsforimportingtextureslikeinBeyondCAD.Iwilladdmoretexturestothedatatablelater.WeshouldaddthecategoriessystemwehaveforPaths(Sections)•Alsoneedtheabilitytodeleteandeditsub-meshcomponentslikeinBC(inadditiontotexturingthem)•Alsoneedtofigureoutwhysomefbxfiles(likethe3rdstreetmodelfromCivilFX)comeinallmessedupliketheydidinlaterversionofBeyondCAD,butnotearlyversions•animation Would also be nice to have some import 'preset' options for InfraWorks and Sketchup (I would provide the values)•CurrentlythereareoptionstocreatenewpathsandimportsurfacesfromtheHieararchypanel.TheseshouldjustbeintheImportandPathspanels.•Thehierarchyshouldhaveicons/controlsforvisibilityon/off(eyeicon),lockanddelete•Thereshouldbeoptionstohidemodelandshadowforallassets(libraryandimported)inthedialogueboxlikeBeyondTypicals•WeneedanimportassetbuttonatthetopoftheImportpanel.•When you import a surface the camera should try to zoom to extents•The hotkey 'F' should hopefully zoom to extents rather than the origin point "changed description "Higher Priority Refreshing/reimporting surfaces that have been edited Thumbnails for textures (data table so Sam can organize) Currently turning off or deleting sub-mesh components doesn't remove the physics collisions for asset placement and 1st/3rd person. The ideal would be that turning off wouldn't remove the physics, but still be slightly visible when the path visualizers are on (but off everywhere else, including rendering and visual experiences). Deleting sub mesh components should remove the physics. Texture scaling and rotation Also need to figure out why some fbx files (like the 3rd street model from Civil FX) come in all messed up like they did in later version of Beyond CAD, but not early versions There should be options to hide model and shadow for all assets (library and imported) in the dialogue box like Beyond Typicals We need to go through every single setting for importing and test and make sure they work (or remove them if they do nothing) Lower Priority Transform gizmo for submesh components Submesh glow feature (it should be created as an asset that can be phased, organized and so on Live edits for Sketchup using datasmith Imported mesh auto-generated icons don't really show much Adjusting the color of textures is very slow Import FBX with animation Would also be nice to have some import 'preset' options for InfraWorks and Sketchup (I would provide the values) When you import a surface the camera should try to zoom to extents The hotkey 'F' should hopefully zoom to extents rather than the origin point "
changed description "Higher Priority Refreshing/reimporting surfaces that have been edited Thumbnails for textures (data table so Sam can organize) Currently turning off or deleting sub-mesh components doesn't remove the physics collisions for asset placement and 1st/3rd person. The ideal would be that turning off wouldn't remove the physics, but still be slightly visible when the path visualizers are on (but off everywhere else, including rendering and visual experiences). Deleting sub mesh components should remove the physics. Texture scaling and rotation Also need to figure out why some fbx files (like the 3rd street model from Civil FX) come in all messed up like they did in later version of Beyond CAD, but not early versions There should be options to hide model and shadow for all assets (library and imported) in the dialogue box like Beyond Typicals We need to go through every single setting for importing and test and make sure they work (or remove them if they do nothing) Lower Priority We should at least look into geolocation If we can't do geolocation, it would be nice to have more robust import and position tools Transform gizmo for submesh components Submesh glow feature (it should be created as an asset that can be phased, organized and so on Live edits for Sketchup using datasmith Imported mesh auto-generated icons don't really show much Adjusting the color of textures is very slow Import FBX with animation Would also be nice to have some import 'preset' options for InfraWorks and Sketchup (I would provide the values) When you import a surface the camera should try to zoom to extents The hotkey 'F' should hopefully zoom to extents rather than the origin point "
changed description "Higher Priority Refreshing/reimporting surfaces that have been edited Thumbnails for textures (data table so Sam can organize) Currently turning off or deleting sub-mesh components doesn't remove the physics collisions for asset placement and 1st/3rd person. The ideal would be that turning off wouldn't remove the physics, but still be slightly visible when the path visualizers are on (but off everywhere else, including rendering and visual experiences). Deleting sub mesh components should remove the physics. Texture scaling and rotation Also need to figure out why some fbx files (like the 3rd street model from Civil FX) come in all messed up like they did in later version of Beyond CAD, but not early versions There should be options to hide model and shadow for all assets (library and imported) in the dialogue box like Beyond Typicals We need to go through every single setting for importing and test and make sure they work (or remove them if they do nothing) Aerials of fbx files imported from InfraWorks are mirrored left/right Aerials of obj files from InfraWorks and other come in dark Lower Priority We should at least look into geolocation If we can't do geolocation, it would be nice to have more robust import and position tools Transform gizmo for submesh components Submesh glow feature (it should be created as an asset that can be phased, organized and so on Live edits for Sketchup using datasmith Imported mesh auto-generated icons don't really show much Adjusting the color of textures is very slow Import FBX with animation Would also be nice to have some import 'preset' options for InfraWorks and Sketchup (I would provide the values) When you import a surface the camera should try to zoom to extents The hotkey 'F' should hopefully zoom to extents rather than the origin point "
changed description "Higher Priority Refreshing/reimporting surfaces that have been edited Thumbnails for textures (data table so Sam can organize) Currently turning off or deleting sub-mesh components doesn't remove the physics collisions for asset placement and 1st/3rd person. The ideal would be that turning off wouldn't remove the physics, but still be slightly visible when the path visualizers are on (but off everywhere else, including rendering and visual experiences). Deleting sub mesh components should remove the physics. Texture
scalingandrotation and adjustments (brightness/saturation/contrast....) Also need to figure out why some fbx files (like the 3rd street model from Civil FX) come in all messed up like they did in later version of Beyond CAD, but not early versions There should be options to hide model and shadow for all assets (library and imported) in the dialogue box like Beyond Typicals We need to go through every single setting for importing and test and make sure they work (or remove them if they do nothing) Aerials of fbx files imported from InfraWorks are mirrored left/right Aerials of obj files from InfraWorks and other come in dark Lower Priority We should at least look into geolocation If we can't do geolocation, it would be nice to have more robust import and position tools Transform gizmo for submesh components Submesh glow feature (it should be created as an asset that can be phased, organized and so on Live edits for Sketchup using datasmith Imported mesh auto-generated icons don't really show much Adjusting the color of textures is very slow Import FBX with animation Would also be nice to have some import 'preset' options for InfraWorks and Sketchup (I would provide the values) When you import a surface the camera should try to zoom to extents The hotkey 'F' should hopefully zoom to extents rather than the origin point It would be great if nanite could be applied to imports (Erin doesn't think this is possible in runtime) "changed description "Higher Priority Refreshing/reimporting surfaces that have been edited Thumbnails for textures (data table so Sam can organize) Currently turning off or deleting sub-mesh components doesn't remove the physics collisions for asset placement and 1st/3rd person. The ideal would be that turning off wouldn't remove the physics, but still be slightly visible when the path visualizers are on (but off everywhere else, including rendering and visual experiences). Deleting sub mesh components should remove the physics. Texture rotation and adjustments (brightness/saturation/contrast....) Also need to figure out why some fbx files (like the 3rd street model from Civil FX) come in all messed up like they did in later version of Beyond CAD, but not early versions There should be options to hide model and shadow for all assets (library and imported) in the dialogue box like Beyond Typicals We need to go through every single setting for importing and test and make sure they work (or remove them if they do nothing) Aerials of fbx files imported from InfraWorks are mirrored left/right Aerials of obj files from InfraWorks and other come in dark Several options in the Right-click menu in the Base Model hierarchy tab don't work Lower Priority We should at least look into geolocation If we can't do geolocation, it would be nice to have more robust import and position tools Transform gizmo for submesh components Submesh glow feature (it should be created as an asset that can be phased, organized and so on Live edits for Sketchup using datasmith Imported mesh auto-generated icons don't really show much Adjusting the color of textures is very slow Import FBX with animation Would also be nice to have some import 'preset' options for InfraWorks and Sketchup (I would provide the values) When you import a surface the camera should try to zoom to extents The hotkey 'F' should hopefully zoom to extents rather than the origin point It would be great if nanite could be applied to imports (Erin doesn't think this is possible in runtime) "
changed title "Import/Texturing and Sub-Mesh System
(10)"changed description "Higher Priority Refreshing/reimporting surfaces that have been edited Thumbnails for textures (data table so Sam can organize) Currently turning off or deleting sub-mesh components doesn't remove the physics collisions for asset placement and 1st/3rd person. The ideal would be that turning off wouldn't remove the physics, but still be slightly visible when the path visualizers are on (but off everywhere else, including rendering and visual experiences). Deleting sub mesh components should remove the physics. Texture rotation and adjustments
(brightness/saturation/contrast....)(reflectivity/brightness/saturation/contrast....) Also need to figure out why some fbx files (like the 3rd street model from Civil FX) come in all messed up like they did in later version of Beyond CAD, but not early versions There should be options to hide model and shadow for all assets (library and imported) in the dialogue box like Beyond Typicals We need to go through every single setting for importing and test and make sure they work (or remove them if they do nothing) Aerials of fbx files imported from InfraWorks are mirrored left/right Aerials of obj files from InfraWorks and other come in dark Several options in the Right-click menu in the Base Model hierarchy tab don't work Lower Priority We should at least look into geolocation If we can't do geolocation, it would be nice to have more robust import and position tools Transform gizmo for submesh components Submesh glow feature (it should be created as an asset that can be phased, organized and so on Live edits for Sketchup using datasmith Imported mesh auto-generated icons don't really show much Adjusting the color of textures is very slow Import FBX with animation Would also be nice to have some import 'preset' options for InfraWorks and Sketchup (I would provide the values) When you import a surface the camera should try to zoom to extents The hotkey 'F' should hopefully zoom to extents rather than the origin point It would be great if nanite could be applied to imports (Erin doesn't think this is possible in runtime) "changed description "Higher Priority Texture in-scene (currently only possible through hierarchy list) Refreshing/reimporting surfaces that have been edited Thumbnails for textures (data table so Sam can organize) Currently turning off or deleting sub-mesh components doesn't remove the physics collisions for asset placement and 1st/3rd person. The ideal would be that turning off wouldn't remove the physics, but still be slightly visible when the path visualizers are on (but off everywhere else, including rendering and visual experiences). Deleting sub mesh components should remove the physics. Texture rotation and adjustments (reflectivity/brightness/saturation/contrast....) Also need to figure out why some fbx files (like the 3rd street model from Civil FX) come in all messed up like they did in later version of Beyond CAD, but not early versions There should be options to hide model and shadow for all assets (library and imported) in the dialogue box like Beyond Typicals We need to go through every single setting for importing and test and make sure they work (or remove them if they do nothing) Aerials of fbx files imported from InfraWorks are mirrored left/right Aerials of obj files from InfraWorks and other come in dark Several options in the Right-click menu in the Base Model hierarchy tab don't work Lower Priority We should at least look into geolocation If we can't do geolocation, it would be nice to have more robust import and position tools Transform gizmo for submesh components Submesh glow feature (it should be created as an asset that can be phased, organized and so on Live edits for Sketchup using datasmith Imported mesh auto-generated icons don't really show much Adjusting the color of textures is very slow Import FBX with animation Would also be nice to have some import 'preset' options for InfraWorks and Sketchup (I would provide the values) When you import a surface the camera should try to zoom to extents The hotkey 'F' should hopefully zoom to extents rather than the origin point It would be great if nanite could be applied to imports (Erin doesn't think this is possible in runtime) "
changed description "Higher Priority Texture in-scene (currently only possible through hierarchy list) Refreshing/reimporting surfaces that have been edited Thumbnails for textures (data table so Sam can organize) Currently turning off or deleting sub-mesh components doesn't remove the physics collisions for asset placement and 1st/3rd person. The ideal would be that turning off wouldn't remove the physics, but still be slightly visible when the path visualizers are on (but off everywhere else, including rendering and visual experiences). Deleting sub mesh components should remove the physics. Texture rotation and adjustments (reflectivity/brightness/saturation/contrast....) Also need to figure out why some fbx files (like the 3rd street model from Civil FX) come in all messed up like they did in later version of Beyond CAD, but not early versions There should be options to hide model and shadow for all assets (library and imported) in the dialogue box like Beyond Typicals We need to go through every single setting for importing and test and make sure they work (or remove them if they do nothing) Aerials of fbx files imported from InfraWorks are mirrored left/right Aerials of obj files from InfraWorks and other come in dark Several options in the Right-click menu in the Base Model hierarchy tab don't work Lower Priority
WeshouldTab through sub-mesh components in the hierarchy We should at least look into geolocation If we can't do geolocation, it would be nice to have more robust import and position tools Transform gizmo for submesh components Submesh glow feature (it should be created as an asset that can be phased, organized and so on Live edits for Sketchup using datasmith Imported mesh auto-generated icons don't really show much Adjusting the color of textures is very slow Import FBX with animation Would also be nice to have some import 'preset' options for InfraWorks and Sketchup (I would provide the values) When you import a surface the camera should try to zoom to extents The hotkey 'F' should hopefully zoom to extents rather than the origin point It would be great if nanite could be applied to imports (Erin doesn't think this is possible in runtime) "changed description "Higher Priority Texture in-scene (currently only possible through hierarchy list) Refreshing/reimporting surfaces that have been edited Thumbnails for textures (data table so Sam can organize) Currently turning off or deleting sub-mesh components doesn't remove the physics collisions for asset placement and 1st/3rd person. The ideal would be that turning off wouldn't remove the physics, but still be slightly visible when the path visualizers are on (but off everywhere else, including rendering and visual experiences). Deleting sub mesh components should remove the physics. Texture rotation and adjustments (reflectivity/brightness/saturation/contrast....) Also need to figure out why some fbx files (like the 3rd street model from Civil FX) come in all messed up like they did in later version of Beyond CAD, but not early versions There should be options to hide model and shadow for all assets (library and imported) in the dialogue box like Beyond Typicals We need to go through every single setting for importing and test and make sure they work (or remove them if they do nothing) Aerials of fbx files imported from InfraWorks are mirrored left/right
AerialsofobjfilesfromInfraWorksandothercomeindarkSeveral options in the Right-click menu in the Base Model hierarchy tab don't workLowerPriorityTabthroughsub-meshcomponentsinthehierarchyWe should at least look into geolocationIfwecan'tdogeolocation,itwouldbeand live edits for Sketchup using datasmith Would also be nice to havemorerobustsome importandpositiontoolsTransformgizmoforsubmeshcomponentsSubmeshglowfeature(itshouldbecreatedasanassetthatcanbephased,organizedandsoonLiveeditsforSketchupusingdatasmithImportedmeshauto-generatediconsdon'treallyshowmuchAdjustingthecoloroftexturesisveryslowImportFBXwithanimationWouldalsobenicetohavesomeimport'preset' options for InfraWorks and Sketchup (I would provide the values)WhenyouimportasurfacethecamerashouldtrytozoomtoextentsThehotkey'F'shouldhopefullyzoomtoextentsratherthantheoriginpointItwouldbegreatifnanitecouldbeappliedtoimports(Erindoesn'tthinkthisispossibleinruntime)"