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together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
changed title "'Baked' Traffic (15)"
changed title "'Baked' Traffic
(15)"changed description "~~~~ "
changed title "'Baked' Traffic
(10)"changed description "
Also** Higher *Priority*** Make it possible for users to bake traffic based on UI design Users should be able to link baked traffic sets in*** theabilitytoeditbakedtraffic"changed description "Higher Priority Make it possible for users to bake traffic based on UI design Users should be able to link baked traffic sets in the Sequencer (in the Publisher) Lower Priority Flip vehicles/people for other countries Vehicle headlights on/off
HigherPriority*MakeitpossibleforuserstobaketrafficbasedonUIdesignUsersshouldbeabletolinkbakedtrafficsetsintheSequencer(inthePublisher)LowerPriority*Flipvehicles/peopleforothercountriesVehicleheadlightson/off~~~~ "changed description "Higher Priority Make it possible for users to bake traffic based on UI design Users should be able to link baked traffic sets in the Sequencer (in the Publisher) Lower Priority Flip vehicles/people for other countries Vehicle headlights on/off ~~~~ "
changed title "'Baked' Traffic
andTrafficLibraryCustomization"changed description "Higher Priority Make it possible for users to bake traffic based on UI design Users should be able to link baked traffic sets in the Sequencer (in the Publisher)
LowerPriorityFlipvehicles/peopleforothercountriesVehicleheadlightson/offSamVehicleLibraryCustomizationDiversifytrafficlibrarywiththefollowingassetpacks,detachingtiresandmixingandmatchingtractor/trailershttps://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/complete-vehicle-pack-ea-1244267https://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/generic-car-pack-3d-model-1833441https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/k100?sessionInvalidated=trueItwouldalsobegreatifwecouldmakeasystemforuserstoimporttheirownvehiclesintoourtrafficsystem.Iwillalsoprovidealistofvehiclestoremovefromthelibrary."changed description "
HigherPriority** Make it possible for users to bake traffic based on UI design Users should be able to link baked traffic sets in the Sequencer (in the Publisher) "