Hi there 👋
together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
changed title "
AreaAreas System "description "This should work similar to Paths, but for area shapes. Users should be able to place Areas one point at a time, close the area and it should drape to the surface. It should also dynamically adjust when nodes are adjusted. Once selected, the Area should have a dialogue box like Paths, with options for assets (in grids or random) or visualgraphics.graphics/area highlight. Areas should also have a panel in the Hierarchy. The Hierarchy should now include Paths/Areas/Assets/Surfaces. Eventually it would be nice to have the ability to create and area from a sub-mesh component, but that isn't urgent. "changed description "This should work similar to Paths, but for area shapes. Users should be able to place Areas one point at a time, close the area and it should drape to the surface. It should also dynamically adjust when nodes are adjusted. Once selected, the Area should have a dialogue box like Paths, with options for assets (in grids or random) or visual graphics/area highlight. Areas should also have a panel in the Hierarchy. The Hierarchy should now include Paths/Areas/Assets/Surfaces. Eventually it would be nice to have the ability to create and area from a sub-mesh component, but that isn't urgent. Also need a brush placement system"
changed title "
AreasSystem"description "This should work similar to Paths, but for area shapes. Users should be able to place Areas one point at a time, close the area and it should drape to the surface. It should also dynamically adjust when nodes are adjusted. Once selected, the Area should have a dialogue box like Paths, with options for assets (in grids or random) or visual graphics/area highlight. Areas should also have a panel in the Hierarchy. The Hierarchy should now include Paths/Areas/Assets/Surfaces. Eventually it would be nice to have the ability to create and area from a sub-mesh component, but that isn't urgent. Also need a brush placement system We need a system 'Assemblies' to make presets of multiple static/dynamic assets, especially for customized traffic signals"changed description "This should work similar to Paths, but for area shapes. Users should be able to place Areas one point at a time, close the area and it should drape to the surface. It should also dynamically adjust when nodes are adjusted. Once selected, the Area should have a dialogue box like Paths, with options for assets (in grids or random) or visual graphics/area highlight. Areas should also have a panel in the Hierarchy. The Hierarchy should now include Paths/Areas/Assets/Surfaces. Area Presets Various Tree Areas Grass Area Realistic Water Hybrid Tree/Brush/Rocks Also need a brush placement system We need a system 'Assemblies' to make presets of multiple static/dynamic assets, especially for customized traffic signals Lower Priority Eventually it would be nice to have the ability to create and area from a sub-mesh
component,butcomponent or imported surface, but that isn't urgent.AlsoneedabrushplacementsystemWeneedasystem'Assemblies'tomakepresetsofmultiplestatic/dynamicassets,especiallyforcustomizedtrafficsignals"changed title "
Areas/Brush/AssembliesAreas/Brush Systems "description "This should work similar to Paths, but for area shapes. Users should be able to place Areas one point at a time, close the area and it should drape to the surface. It should also dynamically adjust when nodes are adjusted. Once selected, the Area should have a dialogue box like Paths, with options for assets (in grids or random) or visual graphics/area highlight. Areas should also have a panel in the Hierarchy. The Hierarchy should now include Paths/Areas/Assets/Surfaces. Area Presets Various Tree Areas Grass Area Realistic Water Hybrid Tree/Brush/Rocks Area Highlighting Also need a brush placement systemWeneedasystem'Assemblies'tomakepresetsofmultiplestatic/dynamicassets,especiallyforcustomizedtrafficsignalsLowerPriorityEventuallyitwouldbenicetohavetheabilitytocreateandareafromasub-meshcomponentorimportedsurface,butthatisn'turgent."