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together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
changed description "Higher Priority Copy/paste needs to be brought over from BT If possible the assets and presets should collapse other open categories if a new one is selected Fix Ctrl/Shift in-model path selection behavior: while a path is selected, clicking on a path icon for a different path operates as if "Ctrl" is held on a keyboard (see second path added to selection with first path in hierarchy). Shift-selecting different path nodes selects multiple paths (seen in the hierarchy). Ctrl and Shift click behavior should only apply to selections within the hierarchy, not in model. Lower Priority More realistic skies HDRIs (including custom imports) User selects from a variety of navigation paradigms on startup Global keyframing (This would be where every spinbox would have the ability to add a 'baked' animation and then keyframe settings like position for assets or time of day for weather) Manual animations (this should be handled through the Gantt/Phasing or Sequencer) Idea- a quality tag in the hierarchy (1-5) where you can give a number to each asset/path/area/import that will coorelate with their visibility for quality purposes. Then if you select '1' in the quality settings it will only show those that have the tag 1, if you select 3 it will show those with 3, 2, 1, if you select 5 it will show everything. "
changed description "Higher Priority Copy/paste needs to be brought over from BT If possible the assets and presets should collapse other open categories if a new one is selected Fix Ctrl/Shift in-model path selection behavior: while a path is selected, clicking on a path icon for a different path operates as if "Ctrl" is held on a keyboard (see second path added to selection with first path in hierarchy). Shift-selecting different path nodes selects multiple paths (seen in the hierarchy). Ctrl and Shift click behavior should only apply to selections within the hierarchy, not in model. Lower Priority Quality slide that lowers/raises LODS/resolution/shadows... More realistic skies HDRIs (including custom imports) User selects from a variety of navigation paradigms on startup Global keyframing (This would be where every spinbox would have the ability to add a 'baked' animation and then keyframe settings like position for assets or time of day for weather) Manual animations (this should be handled through the Gantt/Phasing or Sequencer) Idea- a quality tag in the hierarchy (1-5) where you can give a number to each asset/path/area/import that will coorelate with their visibility for quality purposes. Then if you select '1' in the quality settings it will only show those that have the tag 1, if you select 3 it will show those with 3, 2, 1, if you select 5 it will show everything. "
changed description "Higher Priority Copy/paste needs to be brought over from BT Improved articulation (possibly physics based?) If possible the assets and presets should collapse other open categories if a new one is selected Fix Ctrl/Shift in-model path selection behavior: while a path is selected, clicking on a path icon for a different path operates as if "Ctrl" is held on a keyboard (see second path added to selection with first path in hierarchy). Shift-selecting different path nodes selects multiple paths (seen in the hierarchy). Ctrl and Shift click behavior should only apply to selections within the hierarchy, not in model. Lower Priority Quality slide that lowers/raises LODS/resolution/shadows... More realistic skies HDRIs (including custom imports) User selects from a variety of navigation paradigms on startup Global keyframing (This would be where every spinbox would have the ability to add a 'baked' animation and then keyframe settings like position for assets or time of day for weather) Manual animations (this should be handled through the Gantt/Phasing or Sequencer) Idea- a quality tag in the hierarchy (1-5) where you can give a number to each asset/path/area/import that will coorelate with their visibility for quality purposes. Then if you select '1' in the quality settings it will only show those that have the tag 1, if you select 3 it will show those with 3, 2, 1, if you select 5 it will show everything. "
changed description "Higher Priority Copy/paste needs to be brought over from BT Improved truck/train articulation (possibly physics based?) If possible the assets and presets should collapse other open categories if a new one is selected Fix Ctrl/Shift in-model path selection behavior: while a path is selected, clicking on a path icon for a different path operates as if "Ctrl" is held on a keyboard (see second path added to selection with first path in hierarchy). Shift-selecting different path nodes selects multiple paths (seen in the hierarchy). Ctrl and Shift click behavior should only apply to selections within the hierarchy, not in model. Lower Priority Quality slide that lowers/raises LODS/resolution/shadows... More realistic skies HDRIs (including custom imports) User selects from a variety of navigation paradigms on startup Global keyframing (This would be where every spinbox would have the ability to add a 'baked' animation and then keyframe settings like position for assets or time of day for weather) Manual animations (this should be handled through the Gantt/Phasing or Sequencer) Idea- a quality tag in the hierarchy (1-5) where you can give a number to each asset/path/area/import that will coorelate with their visibility for quality purposes. Then if you select '1' in the quality settings it will only show those that have the tag 1, if you select 3 it will show those with 3, 2, 1, if you select 5 it will show everything. "
changed description "Higher Priority Copy/paste needs to be brought over from BT Improved truck/train articulation (possibly physics based?) If possible the assets and presets should collapse other open categories if a new one is selected Fix Ctrl/Shift in-model path selection behavior: while a path is selected, clicking on a path icon for a different path operates as if "Ctrl" is held on a keyboard (see second path added to selection with first path in hierarchy). Shift-selecting different path nodes selects multiple paths (seen in the hierarchy). Ctrl and Shift click behavior should only apply to selections within the hierarchy, not in model. Lower Priority Quality
slideslider that lowers/raises LODS/resolution/shadows... More realistic skies HDRIs (including custom imports) User selects from a variety of navigation paradigms on startup Global keyframing (This would be where every spinbox would have the ability to add a 'baked' animation and then keyframe settings like position for assets or time of day for weather) Manual animations (this should be handled through the Gantt/Phasing or Sequencer) Idea- a quality tag in the hierarchy (1-5) where you can give a number to each asset/path/area/import that will coorelate with their visibility for quality purposes. Then if you select '1' in the quality settings it will only show those that have the tag 1, if you select 3 it will show those with 3, 2, 1, if you select 5 it will show everything. "changed description "Higher Priority Copy/paste needs to be brought over from BT Improved truck/train articulation (possibly physics based?) If possible the assets and presets should collapse other open categories if a new one is selected Fix Ctrl/Shift in-model path selection behavior: while a path is selected, clicking on a path icon for a different path operates as if "Ctrl" is held on a keyboard (see second path added to selection with first path in hierarchy). Shift-selecting different path nodes selects multiple paths (seen in the hierarchy). Ctrl and Shift click behavior should only apply to selections within the hierarchy, not in model.
LowerPriorityQualitysliderthatlowers/raisesLODS/resolution/shadows...MorerealisticskiesHDRIs(includingcustomimports)UserselectsfromavarietyofnavigationparadigmsonstartupGlobalkeyframing(Thiswouldbewhereeveryspinboxwouldhavetheabilitytoadda'baked'animationandthenkeyframesettingslikepositionforassetsortimeofdayforweather)Manualanimations(thisshouldbehandledthroughtheGantt/PhasingorSequencer)Idea-aqualitytaginthehierarchy(1-5)whereyoucangiveanumbertoeachasset/path/area/importthatwillcoorelatewiththeirvisibilityforqualitypurposes.Thenifyouselect'1'inthequalitysettingsitwillonlyshowthosethathavethetag1,ifyouselect3itwillshowthosewith3,2,1,ifyouselect5itwillshoweverything."changed description "Higher Priority Copy/paste needs to be brought over from BT (including folders in hierarchy) Improved truck/train articulation (possibly physics based?) If possible the assets and presets should collapse other open categories if a new one is selected Fix Ctrl/Shift in-model path selection behavior: while a path is selected, clicking on a path icon for a different path operates as if "Ctrl" is held on a keyboard (see second path added to selection with first path in hierarchy). Shift-selecting different path nodes selects multiple paths (seen in the hierarchy). Ctrl and Shift click behavior should only apply to selections within the hierarchy, not in model. "