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together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
changed description "Higher Priority The asset searching in the dialogue menu on the left is clunky in current iteration We need an option for users to create custom path presets from paths they have configured and then save these as .bca files Non-animated Paths should have the ability to randomly offset like in Beyond CAD (especially useful for trees) Path node tweaking rotation (like in Adobe Illustrator) Lower Priority Tab through points on a path A 'convert line to path' feature where someone selects a line from an imported model and it creates a path with points to match the line More arrow types for pathway arrows The ability to 'globally' transform a path with a single gizmo, rather than moving the entire path one point at a time (not sure how this would work in the UI) Gizmo could be aligned with the path or area point selected The option to duplicate/offset paths Stripe texturing stretches more in one direction than another. Global path visualizer customizer Snap to end of path Mirror path option Dynamic power lines/power poles It would be nice to have an 'edit' mode where you 'froze' the path and deleted certain objects from it. For example, maybe you put a path of trees along a road, but need to make a break where a bridge goes across so you would be able to delete those trees. "
changed description "Higher Priority The asset searching in the dialogue menu on the left is clunky in current iteration We need an option for users to create custom path presets from paths they have configured and then save these as .bca files Non-animated Paths should have the ability to randomly offset like in Beyond CAD (especially useful for trees) Path node tweaking rotation (like in Adobe Illustrator) Animation of non-vehicle objects along a path (like airplanes/drones) Lower Priority Tab through points on a path A 'convert line to path' feature where someone selects a line from an imported model and it creates a path with points to match the line More arrow types for pathway arrows The ability to 'globally' transform a path with a single gizmo, rather than moving the entire path one point at a time (not sure how this would work in the UI) Gizmo could be aligned with the path or area point selected The option to duplicate/offset paths Stripe texturing stretches more in one direction than another. Global path visualizer customizer Snap to end of path Mirror path option Dynamic power lines/power poles It would be nice to have an 'edit' mode where you 'froze' the path and deleted certain objects from it. For example, maybe you put a path of trees along a road, but need to make a break where a bridge goes across so you would be able to delete those trees. "
changed description "Higher Priority The asset searching in the dialogue menu on the left is clunky in current iteration We need an option for users to create custom path presets from paths they have configured and then save these as .bca files Non-animated Paths should have the ability to randomly offset like in Beyond CAD (especially useful for trees) Path node tweaking rotation (like in Adobe Illustrator) Animation of non-vehicle objects along a path (like airplanes/drones) Desire a "shift-click" (or similar) behavior when placing paths to avoid selecting another path instead of ending a path at the same point another begins/ends. Lower Priority Tab through points on a path A 'convert line to path' feature where someone selects a line from an imported model and it creates a path with points to match the line More arrow types for pathway arrows The ability to 'globally' transform a path with a single gizmo, rather than moving the entire path one point at a time (not sure how this would work in the UI) Gizmo could be aligned with the path or area point selected The option to duplicate/offset paths Stripe texturing stretches more in one direction than another. Global path visualizer customizer Snap to end of path Mirror path option Dynamic power lines/power poles It would be nice to have an 'edit' mode where you 'froze' the path and deleted certain objects from it. For example, maybe you put a path of trees along a road, but need to make a break where a bridge goes across so you would be able to delete those trees. "
changed description "Higher Priority The asset searching in the dialogue menu on the left is clunky in current iteration We need an option for users to create custom path presets from paths they have configured and then save these as .bca files Non-animated Paths should have the ability to randomly offset like in Beyond CAD (especially useful for trees) Path node tweaking rotation (like in Adobe Illustrator) Animation of non-vehicle objects along a path (like airplanes/drones) Desire a "shift-click" (or similar) behavior when placing paths to avoid selecting another path instead of ending a path at the same point another begins/ends. (Brian request) Lower Priority Tab through points on a path A 'convert line to path' feature where someone selects a line from an imported model and it creates a path with points to match the line More arrow types for pathway arrows The ability to 'globally' transform a path with a single gizmo, rather than moving the entire path one point at a time (not sure how this would work in the UI) Gizmo could be aligned with the path or area point selected The option to duplicate/offset paths Stripe texturing stretches more in one direction than another. Global path visualizer customizer Snap to end of path Mirror path option Dynamic power lines/power poles It would be nice to have an 'edit' mode where you 'froze' the path and deleted certain objects from it. For example, maybe you put a path of trees along a road, but need to make a break where a bridge goes across so you would be able to delete those trees. "
changed description "Higher Priority The asset searching in the dialogue menu on the left is clunky in current iteration We need an option for users to create custom path presets from paths they have configured and then save these as .bca files Non-animated Paths should have the ability to randomly offset like in Beyond CAD (especially useful for trees) Path node tweaking rotation (like in Adobe Illustrator) Animation of non-vehicle objects along a path (like airplanes/drones) Desire a "shift-click" (or similar) behavior when placing paths to avoid selecting another path instead of ending a path at the same point another begins/ends. (Brian request)
LowerPriorityTabthroughpointsonapathA'convertlinetopath'featurewheresomeoneselectsalinefromanimportedmodelanditcreatesapathwithpointstomatchthelineMorearrowtypesforpathwayarrowsTheabilityto'globally'transformapathwithasinglegizmo,ratherthanmovingtheentirepathonepointatatime(notsurehowthiswouldworkintheUI)GizmocouldbealignedwiththepathorareapointselectedTheoptiontoduplicate/offsetpathsStripetexturingstretchesmoreinonedirectionthananother.GlobalpathvisualizercustomizerSnaptoendofpathMirrorpathoptionDynamicpowerlines/powerpolesItwouldbenicetohavean'edit'modewhereyou'froze'thepathanddeletedcertainobjectsfromit.Forexample,maybeyouputapathoftreesalongaroad,butneedtomakeabreakwhereabridgegoesacrosssoyouwouldbeabletodeletethosetrees."changed description "Higher Priority The asset searching in the dialogue menu on the left is clunky in current iteration We need an option for users to create custom path presets from paths they have configured and then save these as .bca files Non-animated Paths should have the ability to randomly offset like in Beyond CAD (especially useful for trees) Path node tweaking rotation (like in Adobe Illustrator)
AnimationDesire a "shift-click" (or similar) behavior when placing paths to avoid selecting another path instead ofnon-vehicleobjectsalongapath(likeairplanes/drones)Desirea"shift-click"(orsimilar)behaviorwhenplacingpathstoavoidselectinganotherpathinsteadofending a path at the same point another begins/ends. (Brian request) "