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• We need a system 'Assemblies' to make presets of multiple static/dynamic assets, especially for customized traffic signals
• Animated windmills
• Dynamic asset switching might be a cool option, kind of like phase switching in Beyond Typicals
• Clicking the dynamic asset menu in-scene is finicky (not as urgent because there is a redundant system in the right panel)
• Some palm trees have a low LOD when rendering (like in the Florida DDI project)
• Some trees are very jerky in some projects, not sure why, might have something to do with elevation or size of project
• 3D custom labels (with image importing)
• Animated shuttle buggy
• Animated cranes
• Vehicles per hour seems like it isn't a great setting (more of a symptom than a cause), but if we can add the ability of the user to see what the VPH is at a point in a path, that would be great
• This will hopefully work with dynamic (customizable bus and rail) and imported assets (boats, planes?)
• Dynamic labels from BT would be a great option, especially if they could show vehicles per hour (VPH) at certain points of a path
• Pathway arrows that are dynamic (red for slow traffic, green for fast)
• Crowd simulation with pedestrian paths would be AMAZING
• Flip vehicles/people for other countries
• Vehicle headlights on/off
• Publish to Web
• Eventually it would be nice to have the ability to create an Area from a sub-mesh component or imported surface, but that isn't urgent.
• Auto compositing
• Fade/wipe transitions in the Sequencer
• Unreal Editor has some visualizer options (F1,F2,F3...) and it would be nice if we could have these as options in Civil Engine
• Quality slider that lowers/raises LODS/resolution/shadows...
• More realistic skies
• HDRIs (including custom imports)
• User selects from a variety of navigation paradigms on startup
• Global keyframing (This would be where every spinbox would have the ability to add a 'baked' animation and then keyframe settings like position for assets or time of day for weather)
• Manual animations (this should be handled through the Gantt/Phasing or Sequencer)
• Idea- a quality tag in the hierarchy (1-5) where you can give a number to each asset/path/area/import that will coorelate with their visibility for quality purposes. Then if you select '1' in the quality settings it will only show those that have the tag 1, if you select 3 it will show those with 3, 2, 1, if you select 5 it will show everything.
• Tab through sub-mesh components in the hierarchy
• If we can't do geolocation, it would be nice to have more robust import and position tools
• Transform gizmo for submesh components
• Submesh glow feature (it should be created as an asset that can be phased, organized and so on
• Imported mesh auto-generated icons don't really show much
• Adjusting the color of textures is very slow
• Import FBX with animation
• When you import a surface the camera should try to zoom to extents
• The hotkey 'F' should hopefully zoom to extents rather than the origin point
• It would be great if nanite could be applied to imports (Erin doesn't think this is possible in runtime)
• Aerials of obj files from InfraWorks and other come in dark
• Tab through points on a path
• A 'convert line to path' feature where someone selects a line from an imported model and it creates a path with points to match the line
• Animation of non-vehicle objects along a path (like airplanes/drones)
• More arrow types for pathway arrows
• The ability to 'globally' transform a path with a single gizmo, rather than moving the entire path one point at a time (not sure how this would work in the UI)
• Gizmo could be aligned with the path or area point selected
• The option to duplicate/offset paths
• Stripe texturing stretches more in one direction than another.
• Global path visualizer customizer
• Snap to end of path
• Mirror path option
• Dynamic power lines/power poles
• It would be nice to have an 'edit' mode where you 'froze' the path and deleted certain objects from it. For example, maybe you put a path of trees along a road, but need to make a break where a bridge goes across so you would be able to delete those trees.
changed description "Assets • We need a system 'Assemblies' to make presets of multiple static/dynamic assets, especially for customized traffic signals • Animated windmills • Dynamic asset switching might be a cool option, kind of like phase switching in Beyond Typicals • Clicking the dynamic asset menu in-scene is finicky (not as urgent because there is a redundant system in the right panel) • Some palm trees have a low LOD when rendering (like in the Florida DDI project) • Some trees are very jerky in some projects, not sure why, might have something to do with elevation or size of project • 3D custom labels (with image importing) • Animated shuttle buggy • Animated cranes Traffic • Vehicles per hour seems like it isn't a great setting (more of a symptom than a cause), but if we can add the ability of the user to see what the VPH is at a point in a path, that would be great • This will hopefully work with dynamic (customizable bus and rail) and imported assets (boats, planes?) • Dynamic labels from BT would be a great option, especially if they could show vehicles per hour (VPH) at certain points of a path • Pathway arrows that are dynamic (red for slow traffic, green for fast) • Crowd simulation with pedestrian paths would be AMAZING • Flip vehicles/people for other countries • Vehicle headlights on/off Global/Other • Publish to Web • Eventually it would be nice to have the ability to create an Area from a sub-mesh component or imported surface, but that isn't urgent. • Auto compositing • Fade/wipe transitions in the Sequencer • Unreal Editor has some visualizer options (F1,F2,F3...) and it would be nice if we could have these as options in Civil Engine • Quality slider that lowers/raises LODS/resolution/shadows... • More realistic skies • HDRIs (including custom imports) • User selects from a variety of navigation paradigms on startup • Global keyframing (This would be where every spinbox would have the ability to add a 'baked' animation and then keyframe settings like position for assets or time of day for weather) • Manual animations (this should be handled through the Gantt/Phasing or Sequencer) • Idea- a quality tag in the hierarchy (1-5) where you can give a number to each asset/path/area/import that will coorelate with their visibility for quality purposes. Then if you select '1' in the quality settings it will only show those that have the tag 1, if you select 3 it will show those with 3, 2, 1, if you select 5 it will show everything. Texture/Imports • Tab through sub-mesh components in the hierarchy • If we can't do geolocation, it would be nice to have more robust import and position tools • Transform gizmo for submesh components • Submesh glow feature (it should be created as an asset that can be phased, organized and so on • Imported mesh auto-generated icons don't really show much • Adjusting the color of textures is very slow • Import FBX with animation • When you import a surface the camera should try to zoom to extents • The hotkey 'F' should hopefully zoom to extents rather than the origin point • It would be great if nanite could be applied to imports (Erin doesn't think this is possible in runtime) • Aerials of obj files from InfraWorks and other come in dark Paths • Tab through points on a path • A 'convert line to path' feature where someone selects a line from an imported model and it creates a path with points to match the line • Animation of non-vehicle objects along a path (like airplanes/drones) • More arrow types for pathway arrows • The ability to 'globally' transform a path with a single gizmo, rather than moving the entire path one point at a time (not sure how this would work in the UI) • Gizmo could be aligned with the path or area point selected • The option to duplicate/offset paths • Stripe texturing stretches more in one direction than another. • Global path visualizer customizer • Snap to end of path • Mirror path option • Dynamic power lines/power poles • It would be nice to have an 'edit' mode where you 'froze' the path and deleted certain objects from it. For example, maybe you put a path of trees along a road, but need to make a break where a bridge goes across so you would be able to delete those trees. **"
changed description "Assets • We need a system 'Assemblies' to make presets of multiple static/dynamic assets, especially for customized traffic signals • Animated windmills • Dynamic asset switching might be a cool option, kind of like phase switching in Beyond Typicals • Clicking the dynamic asset menu in-scene is finicky (not as urgent because there is a redundant system in the right panel) • Some palm trees have a low LOD when rendering (like in the Florida DDI project) • Some trees are very jerky in some projects, not sure why, might have something to do with elevation or size of project • 3D custom labels (with image importing) • Animated shuttle buggy • Animated cranes The ability to change the material of any of the library assets to a material in the CE material library Traffic • Vehicles per hour seems like it isn't a great setting (more of a symptom than a cause), but if we can add the ability of the user to see what the VPH is at a point in a path, that would be great • This will hopefully work with dynamic (customizable bus and rail) and imported assets (boats, planes?) • Dynamic labels from BT would be a great option, especially if they could show vehicles per hour (VPH) at certain points of a path • Pathway arrows that are dynamic (red for slow traffic, green for fast) • Crowd simulation with pedestrian paths would be AMAZING • Flip vehicles/people for other countries • Vehicle headlights on/off Global/Other • Publish to Web • Eventually it would be nice to have the ability to create an Area from a sub-mesh component or imported surface, but that isn't urgent. • Auto compositing • Fade/wipe transitions in the Sequencer • Unreal Editor has some visualizer options (F1,F2,F3...) and it would be nice if we could have these as options in Civil Engine • Quality slider that lowers/raises LODS/resolution/shadows... • More realistic skies • HDRIs (including custom imports) • User selects from a variety of navigation paradigms on startup • Global keyframing (This would be where every spinbox would have the ability to add a 'baked' animation and then keyframe settings like position for assets or time of day for weather) • Manual animations (this should be handled through the Gantt/Phasing or Sequencer) • Idea- a quality tag in the hierarchy (1-5) where you can give a number to each asset/path/area/import that will coorelate with their visibility for quality purposes. Then if you select '1' in the quality settings it will only show those that have the tag 1, if you select 3 it will show those with 3, 2, 1, if you select 5 it will show everything. Texture/Imports • Tab through sub-mesh components in the hierarchy • If we can't do geolocation, it would be nice to have more robust import and position tools • Transform gizmo for submesh components • Submesh glow feature (it should be created as an asset that can be phased, organized and so on • Imported mesh auto-generated icons don't really show much • Adjusting the color of textures is very slow • Import FBX with animation • When you import a surface the camera should try to zoom to extents • The hotkey 'F' should hopefully zoom to extents rather than the origin point • It would be great if nanite could be applied to imports (Erin doesn't think this is possible in runtime) • Aerials of obj files from InfraWorks and other come in dark Paths • Tab through points on a path • A 'convert line to path' feature where someone selects a line from an imported model and it creates a path with points to match the line • Animation of non-vehicle objects along a path (like airplanes/drones) • More arrow types for pathway arrows • The ability to 'globally' transform a path with a single gizmo, rather than moving the entire path one point at a time (not sure how this would work in the UI) • Gizmo could be aligned with the path or area point selected • The option to duplicate/offset paths • Stripe texturing stretches more in one direction than another. • Global path visualizer customizer • Snap to end of path • Mirror path option • Dynamic power lines/power poles • It would be nice to have an 'edit' mode where you 'froze' the path and deleted certain objects from it. For example, maybe you put a path of trees along a road, but need to make a break where a bridge goes across so you would be able to delete those trees. "
changed description "Assets • We need a system 'Assemblies' to make presets of multiple static/dynamic assets, especially for customized traffic signals • Animated windmills • Dynamic asset switching might be a cool option, kind of like phase switching in Beyond Typicals • Clicking the dynamic asset menu in-scene is finicky (not as urgent because there is a redundant system in the right panel) • Some palm trees have a low LOD when rendering (like in the Florida DDI project) • Some trees are very jerky in some projects, not sure why, might have something to do with elevation or size of project • 3D custom labels (with image importing) • Animated shuttle buggy • Animated cranes The ability to change the material of any of the library assets to a material in the CE material library Traffic • Vehicles per hour seems like it isn't a great setting (more of a symptom than a cause), but if we can add the ability of the user to see what the VPH is at a point in a path, that would be great • This will hopefully work with dynamic (customizable bus and rail) and imported assets (boats, planes?) • Dynamic labels from BT would be a great option, especially if they could show vehicles per hour (VPH) at certain points of a path • Pathway arrows that are dynamic (red for slow traffic, green for fast) • Crowd simulation with pedestrian paths would be AMAZING • Flip vehicles/people for other countries • Vehicle headlights on/off Global/Other • Publish to Web • Eventually it would be nice to have the ability to create an Area from a sub-mesh component or imported surface, but that isn't urgent. • Auto compositing • Fade/wipe transitions in the Sequencer • Unreal Editor has some visualizer options (F1,F2,F3...) and it would be nice if we could have these as options in Civil Engine • Quality slider that lowers/raises LODS/resolution/shadows... • More realistic skies • HDRIs (including custom imports) • User selects from a variety of navigation paradigms on startup • Global keyframing (This would be where every spinbox would have the ability to add a 'baked' animation and then keyframe settings like position for assets or time of day for weather) • Manual animations (this should be handled through the Gantt/Phasing or Sequencer) • Idea- a quality tag in the hierarchy (1-5) where you can give a number to each asset/path/area/import that will coorelate with their visibility for quality purposes. Then if you select '1' in the quality settings it will only show those that have the tag 1, if you select 3 it will show those with 3, 2, 1, if you select 5 it will show everything. Folders should work with imports and submesh components like they do for other assets and paths Texture/Imports • Tab through sub-mesh components in the hierarchy • If we can't do geolocation, it would be nice to have more robust import and position tools • Transform gizmo for submesh components • Submesh glow feature (it should be created as an asset that can be phased, organized and so on • Imported mesh auto-generated icons don't really show much • Adjusting the color of textures is very slow • Import FBX with animation • When you import a surface the camera should try to zoom to extents • The hotkey 'F' should hopefully zoom to extents rather than the origin point • It would be great if nanite could be applied to imports (Erin doesn't think this is possible in runtime) • Aerials of obj files from InfraWorks and other come in dark Paths • Tab through points on a path • A 'convert line to path' feature where someone selects a line from an imported model and it creates a path with points to match the line • Animation of non-vehicle objects along a path (like airplanes/drones) • More arrow types for pathway arrows • The ability to 'globally' transform a path with a single gizmo, rather than moving the entire path one point at a time (not sure how this would work in the UI) • Gizmo could be aligned with the path or area point selected • The option to duplicate/offset paths • Stripe texturing stretches more in one direction than another. • Global path visualizer customizer • Snap to end of path • Mirror path option • Dynamic power lines/power poles • It would be nice to have an 'edit' mode where you 'froze' the path and deleted certain objects from it. For example, maybe you put a path of trees along a road, but need to make a break where a bridge goes across so you would be able to delete those trees. "